Nick Chavez
Cello-GlossYou probably don't know Nick unless you're an avid QVC watcher/shopper. A few years ago, my mom was hooked on Nick.
I finally tried his Cello-Gloss product, which is supposed to add shine and renew hair color, for those damaged (aka fried) or just looking a little worse for chemical indulgences.
Having recently gotten highlights - the first sign of spring - I thought I'd give them a little help in retaining their luminescent loveliness. Here's how it went:
Take shower, shampoo hair. Pour out shockingly dark product, consistency similar to runny conditioner. Notice a slight yet unpleasant smell. Massage into hair, as directed, creating taupe foam. Place shower cap on. Rinse off, get out of shower, wrap up in towel. Re-read directions and wonder who the hell is going to run their hair dryer for 15 minutes straight. I make it 10 before getting totally fed up and wondering if the motor on my dryer is going to burn out. Meanwhile, little trails of brown water are drippling down my neck and cleavage. Get back in shower, rinse out product and re-shampoo in cold water. Shivering ensues. Get out, don the ever luxe towel turban, get dressed, etc. After the usual 15 minutes in the turban, I blow dry.
Result: The dullest looking hair I've ever had! Cursing ensues. Thank God I hadn't planned on leaving the house!
Conclusion: I hate Nick and his stinkin' product! Later, I dumped the rest of the bottle down the drain and happily placed it in the recycling bin! Ba-bye!